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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Egg in a Basket

What would you want to have for breakfast???

I want Egg in a Basket!!!

Have you heard of it? It's basically a sunny side up cooked in a bread's hole.

a little background story first, okay? :)

I first saw it on CookingandCrafting, thought that it was a cute idea, but I would never be bothered to do it. too fussy lah have to cut a hole -___-".

Then saw on OnePotChefShow. Still cannot be bothered.

And a couple days ago I saw it on LauraVitalesKitchen and for some reason, the way she eats it at the end of the video is really persuading wtf.

Suddenly I went from "can't be bothered" to "I.HAVE.TO.MAKE.IT".

So, I made it !! :)

First, the evil video :

see?see?so tempting right the way she eats??

Mine mine!!

P E R F E C T I O N!! *felt like a pro just by making a sunny side-up*

Yes, my white bread is actually Lavender Purple. Cute not?

The inside is still quite runny of eggy goodness~ *drools*

Closer look lol.

Pour over my super-secret-yummylicious sauce and it tastes HEAVENLY

They taste like your reguler eggs and toast breakfast, only 1000000000000000000000000x better~

Buttery bread goodness, gooey egg yolk, yummy sauce...oh my..It was a paradise in my mouth!!

Perfect for breakfast in bed and brunch too.

try it!! take care xoxo.

p.s. all comments on this dish might be exaggerated and biased due to my over self-proud and the thought that I nailed it and also, the fact that it actually tastes freakin' AWESOME (again, read the p.s.). lol. 

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